Open you image in Paintshop Pro
Right click on the image and choose copy
Right click in PSP window and choose Paste as New Image
Save your image
With one of the two images do the following:
With the other image do the following:
Click Image from the file menu
Click Canvas Size
Leave Current Width as is
Make New Height Double the Current Height
Uncheck Center Image Horizontally
Uncheck Center Image Vertically
Change top to 0 and bottom will take all the change in size
Click OK
Save the image
You should now have two images as shown below
Open both images in animation Animation Shop
You will be working with the flipped image first (from here on in will be
called the animated image)
Click Effects in the file menu
Click Insert Image Effect
Under Effect find the Underwater effect and choose it
Now click the Customize button
The settings I used for my graphic are as follows
Apply Both
Sunlight Intensity - 20
Liquid Properties
Wave 1
X: 54
Y: -29
Wave 2
X: -17
Y: -29
Wave 3
X: -12
Y: -29
You can use these or choose your own, when you have the settings you like
click OK
For my graphic I used the following
Effect Length - 5.1 secs
Frames Per Second - 13 fps
For a total of 66 frames
When you have your settings to how you want again
click OK
Note: The more frames you have the larger the graphic
size and the longer it will take to load on a page.
Now you want to remove the original graphic from this
animation. Click on the original frame (should be frame 1), then right
click and choose delete.
Check how many frames are on the animated graphic. To
do this you go to the last frame and you will see F:?? D:?? Where ??
means a number. The number beside the F is the number of frames in your
animation. You need this for your still image.
Save your image
My image is shown below
Switch to your still image (the image with the blank space at the bottom).
You want to give this image the same amount of frames as your animated
image, to do this follow instructions below:
Click Animation in the file menu
Choose Insert Frames
Click Empty
Number of frames - this is 1 less than the number of
frames in your animated image
Insert before frame change to 2
Frame delay, leave as 1
Contents of New Frames
Click Carry forward contents of preceding frame
Click OK
Now both your images should have the same amount of frames.
Click on your animated image
Click Edit in the file menu
Choose Select All
Click again on Edit
Click Copy
Click on your still image
Click Edit in the file menu
Choose Select All
Now hold down your "Ctrl" key and your "E" key at the
same time. This will paste the contents of the animation into the still
image. You will now need to carefully place the image correctly into
place, move your mouse until the image is where you want it and click your
left mouse button.
Click Animation in the file menu and choose Frame
Under Display Time I set it to 20 (you can set it to
your preference)
Click OK
View your new animation to see if your settings work to your liking, if so
save your image and you are done. If you don't like it you can undo any
changes and try again with different settings. My finished animation is